Credit Cards

Credit Cards

Let’s face it: A credit card just makes life easier. From emergency expenses to a once in a lifetime experience, having anytime access to funds comes in handy. But an FCNB Visa® credit card goes beyond convenience. We offer a wide range of credit card options so you can find the card that meets your needs. Your FCNB credit card gives you increased purchasing power, and it’s accepted virtually everywhere worldwide.

In accordance with VISA rules and regulations, effective in October 2017, First Citizens National Bank cardholders will be automatically enrolled in the VISA Account Updater (VAU) service. VAU helps facilitate uninterrupted processing of your recurring payments through a secure electronic exchange of account information updates between participating Visa Card issuers, acquirers, and merchants.

When new cards are issued due to account information changes such as card expiration, for example, the new account information is sent to VAU for cards scheduled with recurring payments to participating merchants. Participating merchants can send inquiries to VAU about their account-on-file transactions and are provided with updated card information, if available. This helps participating issuers retain cardholders by maintaining continuity of their payment relationships with participating merchants.

Cardholder Benefits of VAU

  • Offers a seamless account update process, eliminating the need for direct action on the part of the cardholder when their card is reissued due to normal expiration or lost/stolen card.
  • Facilitates uninterrupted service for participating merchants. Recurring payments are more likely to be successful because updated card information is readily available to participating merchants.
  • Reduces negative experiences caused by declines.

Note: Merchant participation is optional and some merchants may choose not to use this service. Participation in VAU does not relieve you of your obligation to confirm merchants have correct account information on file for you. Neither VISA nor First Citizens National Bank can guarantee the account updates will be communicated to merchants prior to the next billing date.

Account Opt-Out Procedures

If despite the benefits of VAU you wish to opt out of this service, please fill out this form.

See terms and conditions for current terms, rates, and fees. This card is issued by TCM Bank, N.A. Subject to credit approval.

  1. Coverage applies when the entire cost of the fare (less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons) has been charged to the card. Your account must be in good standing. Restrictions to coverage may apply.
  2. FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries. FICO® Scores are updated monthly. You may not see your FICO® Score right away. Some exclusions apply. Cardholders receiving employee pricing are not eligible.
  3. No one can prevent all identity theft