In the Community

Giving Every Tuesday: Do Good, Feel Good

Giving Every Tuesday: Do Good, Feel Good

Jenny Romich has a long history of involvement with the Rotary Club. She’s been a Rotarian for 18 years, and is currently a member of the Upper Sandusky Rotary Club, and served as its president from 2011- 2012. Jenny enjoys her involvement with Rotary Club because of the good the organization achieves in its community and throughout the world.

The Upper Sandusky Rotary Club is a mix of local, community-minded people who work together to exemplify the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.” Rotary is known for their major global initiatives, such as their work to eradicate polio in the world. Since the project started in 1979, cases of polio were reduced by 99.9%!

Locally, the club holds events to raise funds that benefit the community in the form of scholarships for local graduating high school seniors, downtown banners recognizing local Veterans, annual downtown flower planting, and may other efforts.

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